Butter or EVO Oil: The Best Choice for Irresistible Desserts

March 18 2024

Mini Guide with Recipes

When it comes to preparing easy, delicious and appetizing desserts, the choice of ingredients plays a fundamental role in determining its success. A common question that pastry lovers often ask is whether it is preferable to use butter or extra virgin olive oil when preparing desserts. Let's discover together the differences and advantages of both on some cakes.

Homemade Birthday Cake: 4 Simple Recipes and the Challenge between Extra virgin olive oil and Butter

Organizing a special birthday party with quick and easy desserts such as a homemade cake is a gesture of love and dedication towards those we love. The choice between extra virgin olive oil and butter to prepare simple desserts such as a simple birthday cake to make at home, the discussion can become heated. Let's examine together the differences and benefits of using olive oil or butter in these recipes excluding seed oil.

Fruit Birthday Cake with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

One of the great classics is the use of extra virgin olive oil in a fruit birthday cake. It can bring a note of freshness and lightness to the sponge cake. Extra virgin olive oil it brings health benefits thanks to its monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, adding a touch of elegance and health to the recipe.

Chocolate Birthday Cake with Butter

In the case of a cake with few ingredients such as a chocolate one, butter is often the preferred choice to create that soft and buttery consistency that characterizes this type of dessert.
Butter gives a richness of flavor and a soft texture that goes perfectly with the strong taste of chocolate, creating a combination that is not easy for chocolate lovers to resist, an example of which is children's birthday cakes.

The Challenge between Lemon Desserts with Oil or Butter

When it comes to lemon cakes, the choice between extra virgin olive oil and butter can greatly influence the final result. Extra virgin olive oil can give an ideal freshness and lightness to enhance the fruity flavor of the lemon, while butter can give a richer and more enveloping flavor to the cake.

Hazelnut Birthday Cake: An Elegant Bet

One of the particular birthday cakes could be the hazelnut cake, extra virgin olive oil could be the winning choice, adding a fruity character and a lightness that enhances the flavor of the hazelnuts. On the other hand, butter without too much effort can give a creamy texture and a rich taste that goes perfectly with the nutty notes of the dessert... a small sin of gluttony. Up until the moment of serving and the day before you can add further hazelnuts to enrich its flavour!


In easy recipes or after having elaborated difficult ones, the choice between extra virgin olive oil and butter to prepare a birthday cake depends not only on the type of dessert you want to create, but also on personal tastes and food preferences.
Both ingredients are alternated and offer unique features that can enrich your culinary experience and transform a simple birthday cake into a tasty and satisfying masterpiece. Experiment, have fun in the kitchen and prepare a dessert that will be original for you and your loved ones!
Unfortunately, you can always make dry biscuits!!

Happy birthday and bon appetit!


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